TIDM-FRAM-EEPROM, EEPROM Emulation and Sensing With MSP430 FRAM Microcontrollers

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments

TIDM-FRAM-EEPROM, EEPROM Emulation and Sensing With MSP430 FRAM Microcontrollers
TIDM-FRAM-EEPROM, EEPROM Emulation and Sensing With MSP430 FRAM Microcontrollers. This Design reference design describes an implementation of emulating EEPROM using Ferroelectric Random Access Memory (FRAM) technology on MSP430 ultra-low-power microcontrollers (MCUs) combined with the additional sensing capabilities that can be enabled when using an MCU. The reference design supports both I2C and SPI interface to a host processor with multiple slave addressing