TIDC-CC3ANTENNA-SELECTION, SimpleLink Wi-Fi Antenna Selection Reference Design

Conception de référence par: Texas Instruments

TIDC-CC3ANTENNA-SELECTION, SimpleLink Wi-Fi Antenna Selection Reference Design

TIDC-CC3ANTENNA-SELECTION, SimpleLink Wi-Fi Antenna Selection. The SimpleLink Wi-Fi Antenna BoosterPack (CC3ANTENNABOOST) enables evaluation and development of end applications requiring antenna diversity. When used with the SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3200 LaunchPad (CC3200-LAUNCHXL) or the CC3100 Booster pack (CC3100-BOOST) rev 3.1 or higher, the user can select the best antenna to use, based on the signal strength of the connection with a specific access point. There are two sets of orthogonal antennas on the board. The board supports the selection of on-board chip antenna, or external antenna via u.Fl connector