TIDA-00401, Isolated DC/DC Power Supply for PLC Analog Input and Output Module Reference Design

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments

TIDA-00401, Isolated DC/DC Power Supply for PLC Analog Input and Output Module Reference Design
TIDA-00401, Isolated DC/DC Power Supply for PLC Analog Input and Output Module Reference Design. The TIDA-00401 Design is an isolated DC/DC turn-key solution. For a 10W isolated power supply with wide input voltage range, no Optocoupler feedback and low number of external components the Fly-Buck topology is superior to a flyback design. The single side populated PCB board provides a convenient tool for evaluation and on-the-fly optimization of the design, with adequate headers, jumpers and test points for applications like PLC analog Input/Output modules