STEVAL-ISB003V1, Demonstration Board based on USB Li-Ion Battery Charger based on the Microcontroller ST7260E2
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: STMicroelectronics
STEVAL-ISB003V1, Demonstration Board is an USB based single cell Li-Ion battery charger which consists of the ST7260E2-based low-speed USB controller and the ST7LIT15BY0-based battery charger. This board includes a power selector circuit to select the appropriate power supply source and a step-up converter circuit based on the L6920 device to provide a fixed output voltage to the USB controller. The power supply for the battery charger controller is generated from TL1431 keeping in mind the accuracy requirement for charging. An additional current-limiter is also included in series with a USB power supply to show any incorrect behavior using a status LED. A provision is provided on demonstration board such that any external low-speed USB controller can control the charger operation, hence this system can be used with any low-speed USB controller