Smart Gate Driver Coupler TLP5214 Application Note Active Miller Clamp Function
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Toshiba
Another method to prevent a malfunction caused by miller capacitance includes making a short circuit between the gate emitters of the IGBT. Configuring a circuit to clamp the gate safely from an external component is complicated and requires additional PWB space. The TLP5214 has an internal function, called the active miller clamp function, that connects the gate emitters of the IGBT. This eliminates the need for an external component in the clamp circuit. The miller clamp pin VCLAMP is connected to the gate of the IGBT. The output of the photocoupler switches from high to low, the gate voltage goes under about 3V, so the MOSFET between VCLAMP-VEE turns on and the gate clamps on the emitter (VEE)