SLWSTK6060A, Wireless Starter Kit is an excellent starting point to get familiar with the EFR32 Flex Gecko Wireless System-on-Chip

Conception de référence par: Silicon Labs

SLWSTK6060A, Wireless Starter Kit is an excellent starting point to get familiar with the EFR32 Flex Gecko Wireless System-on-Chip

SLWSTK6060A, Wireless Starter Kit provides a complete development platform for EFR32 Flex Gecko Wireless System-on-Chips. The core of the SLWSTK6060A is the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard which features an on-board J-Link debugger, an Advanced Energy Monitor (AEM) for real-time current and voltage monitoring, a Virtual COM port interface (VCOM) and access to the Packet Trace Interface (PTI). The WSTK Mainboard is paired with an EFR32FG 2400/915 MHz 19.5 dBm radio board that plugs directly into the mainboard. The radio board features the EFR32 itself and the RF interface