OM13080, LPCXpresso 1125 Development Board for ARM Cortex-M family of MCUs

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: NXP Semiconductors

OM13080, LPCXpresso 1125 Development Board for ARM Cortex-M family of MCUs
OM13080, LPCXpresso family of boards provides a powerful and flexible development system for Cortex-M family of MCUs. They can be used with a wide range of development tools, including the LPCXpresso IDE. The LPCXpresso1125 board has been developed by NXP to enable evaluation of and prototyping with the LPC112x family of MCUs and is based on the LPC1125JBD48 version of the MCU. The LPCXpresso is a low-cost development platform, supporting ARM-based microcontrollers. The platform is comprised of a simplified Eclipse-based IDE and low-cost target boards which include an attached JTAG debugger