LT1300, Lower Power Applications Can Use Smaller Components. L1 is Tallest Component at 3.1mm
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices
Circuit shows LT1300, the reduced power circuit can generate 5V at currents up to 50mA
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CS8
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CS8#TR
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CN8 PBF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CN8#PBF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CS8#PBF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLT1300CS8#TRPBF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator Chip