KIT-15071, Particle Argon IoT Development Kit

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: SparkFun Electronics

KIT-15071, Particle Argon IoT Development Kit
KIT-15071, Particle Argon is an IoT Development Kit that allows you to connect your mesh network to Wi-Fi. With the Nordic nRF52840 SoC and an ESP32 you have all the power of an ARM Cortex M4 with OpenThread mesh networking, Wi-Fi (b/g/n), NFC, plenty of GPIOs, LiPo charging and more. The board is designed to act as a standalone Wi-Fi endpoint or a Wi-Fi enabled gateway for a Particle Mesh network. This IoT development kit from Particle includes an Argon development board, breadboard with an adhesive backing, 2.4GHz flex antenna, and USB cable. The starter project includes two resistors of 220-ohm, one red LED, and one photodiode. The Argon is also configured in the popular Feather footprint making it also compatible with Feather Shields. This includes a JST connector for a LiPo battery as well as charging of the battery over USB