EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ, Evaluation Board for the AD7176-2, 24-Bit, 250 kSPS Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Converter

Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices

EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ, Evaluation Board for the AD7176-2, 24-Bit, 250 kSPS Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Converter

EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ, Evaluation Board for the AD7176-2, 24-Bit, 250 kSPS Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Converter. The EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ is a fully featured evaluation kit for the AD7176-2. This board operates in stand alone mode or in conjunction with the System Development Platform, EVAL-SDP-CB1Z. When operated with the System Development Platform software is provided enabling the user to perform detailed analysis of the ADC's performance