EV-ADuCRF101QSP1Z, Evaluation Board Using ADuCRF101 868-MHz/915-MHz MCU

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices

EV-ADuCRF101QSP1Z, Evaluation Board Using ADuCRF101 868-MHz/915-MHz MCU
EV-ADuCRF101QSP1Z, QuickStart Plus Kit for ADuCRF101 868-MHz/915-MHz MCU. The ADuCRF101 is a fully integrated, data acquisition solution designed for low power wireless applications. It features a 12-bit ADC, a low power ARM Cortex-M3 processor, a 431 MHz to 464 MHz and 862 MHz to 928 MHz RF transceiver and Flash/EE memory, in a 9 mm + 9 mm LFCSP package. The ADuCRF101 mini board allows a user to program, debug and evaluate the performance of the ADuCRF101. Its small form factor makes it the ideal hardware for evaluation of large wireless sensor networks