DEV-15110, SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield

參考設計 屬於: SparkFun Electronics

DEV-15110, SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield

DEV-15110, SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus DMX to LED Shield is the perfect way to send and receive DMX data. Whether it's coming in via the onboard XLR-3 jack or ArtNet, or outputting over the XLR-3 Jack/ArtNet, this shield has you covered. It's the perfect way to get started developing your own custom DMX fixtures, or even adding ArtNet capabilities to a current fixture. It also holds up to the DMX standard which requires electrical isolation between the controller and communication side to avoid ground loops. The DMX to LED Shield can be powered either through the screw terminals or the USB connection from your microcontroller that's plugged into the shield