DC2380A-A, Demo Board based on LTC7851EUHH, 4-Phase Voltage Mode Buck Controller, 7V = VIN = 14V, Vout1 = 1.8V @ 30A, Vout2 = 1.5V @ 30A, Vout3 = 1.2V @ 30A, Vout4 = 1V @ 30A
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices
DC2380A-A, Demonstration Circuit features the LTC7851, a high performance 4-phase step-down, voltage mode controller. The DC2380A-A operates with a 7V to 14V input supply voltage and provides the follow four high current outputs: 1.8V@30A, 1.5V@30A, 1.2V@30A and 1.0V@30A. Since the LTC7851 does not include MOSFET drivers, its PWM outputs drive external DrMOS devices