DC230A-A, Demo Board Using LT1533CS 5Vin to ± 12Vout @ 150mA, 4.5Vin, 1.8W Output Ultra Low Noise Bipolar Output DC/DC Converter

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices

DC230A-A, Demo Board Using LT1533CS 5Vin to ± 12Vout @ 150mA, 4.5Vin, 1.8W Output Ultra Low Noise Bipolar Output DC/DC Converter
DC230A-A, Demonstration Circuit demonstrates the LT1533CS in a bipolar-output DC/DC converter. The DC230A-A demo board are available, covering the most common output requirements. for example, version-A generates +12V and 12V from a 5V input with a total output power of 1.8W