DC2175A, Demo Board for the LT3752 and LT8311 Active Clamp Forward Converter with Synchronous Rectification

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Analog Devices

DC2175A, Demo Board for the LT3752 and LT8311 Active Clamp Forward Converter with Synchronous Rectification
DC2175A, Demonstration Circuit is an active clamp forward converter with synchronous rectification featuring the LT3752/LT8311 chipset. This circuit was designed to demonstrate the high levels of performance, efficiency and high power. It operates at 200kHz and produces a regulated 12V, 13A output from a wide input voltage range of 9V to 36V, making it well suited for telecom, industrial and other applications. Synchronous rectification helps to attain efficiency exceeding 93%