BB-BONE-RF-01, BeagleBone RF Cape Board based on CC1101 RF Transceiver

Progetto di riferimento di: CircuitCo

BB-BONE-RF-01, BeagleBone RF Cape Board based on CC1101 RF Transceiver

BB-BONE-RF-01, BeagleBone RF Cape Board provides BeagleBone boards the ability to interface with different radio technologies. This cape features industry standard radio EVM connectors which can be used to interface with two simultaneous radio devices. The BeagleBone RF Cape has been tested on CC1101 modules. Other CC series may be compatible but haven't been tested. The BeagleBone RF Cape can be used with BeagleBone (White) and BeagleBone Black. For use with BeagleBone Black it needs to be booted from micro SD card and has its HDMI/Audio interface disabled