ATSAMA5D2-PTC-EK, SAMA5D2-PTC-EK Evaluation Kit based on ATSAMA5D2 MPU used to evaluate Capacitive Touch Controls using the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC)

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Microchip Technology

ATSAMA5D2-PTC-EK, SAMA5D2-PTC-EK Evaluation Kit based on ATSAMA5D2 MPU used to evaluate Capacitive Touch Controls using the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC)
ATSAMA5D2-PTC-EK, SAMA5D2-PTC-EK Evaluation Kit is used to develop and evaluate capacitive touch controls using the Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) module contained in the SAMA5D2 MPU family. The PTC provides built-in hardware for capacitive touch measurement on sensors that function as buttons, sliders, wheels or a touch pad. The PTC supports both self and mutual-capacitance measurements, up to an 8x8 button matrix, without the need for any external components. Features include adjustments for sensitivity and noise tolerance, as well as self-calibration, minimizing user tuning efforts. The PTC runs the QTouch Modular Library (QTML)