ATPROTO1-XPRO, PROTO1 Xplained Pro Board is a generic Prototyping Extension Board for the Xplained Pro Platform

การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Microchip Technology

ATPROTO1-XPRO, PROTO1 Xplained Pro Board is a generic Prototyping Extension Board for the Xplained Pro Platform
ATPROTO1-XPRO, PROTO1 Xplained Pro board is a generic prototyping extension board for the Xplained Pro platform. It connects to any standard extension header on any Xplained Pro MCU board and thus is offers an easy way to do prototyping with the Xplained Pro platform. It can be used to prototype small designs that can be connected to the Xplained Pro MCU series of kits