ADNK-6013-SP01, Optical Mouse Reference Design Kit based on ADNS-6010 Mouse Sensor

Projeto de referência por: Broadcom Inc

ADNK-6013-SP01, Optical Mouse Reference Design Kit based on ADNS-6010 Mouse Sensor

ADNK-6013-SP01, Optical Mouse Design Kit design describes how a cost-effective USB optical mouse can be built using the Sun plus, SPCP825A USB microcontroller and ADNS-6010 optical sensor. ADNS-6010 laser mouse set is the world's first laser-illuminated navigation system. With laser navigation technology, the mouse can operate on many surfaces that prove difficult for traditional LED-based optical navigation. Its high-performance architecture is capable of sensing high speed mouse motion velocities up to 45 inches per second and accelerations up to 20g. The ADNS-6010 sensor along with the ADNS-6120 lens, ADNS-6230-001 clip and ADNV-6340 laser diode form a complete and compact laser mouse tracking system