ADC081500DEV, Evaluation Board using ADC081500 single 8-Bit, 1.5 GSPS, 1.2W Analog-to-Digital Converter
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments
การออกแบบอ้างอิง โดย: Texas Instruments
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator Chip24C02A/SNG
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipPTS635SL50
Switch TactileLM2676S-ADJ
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM95221CIMM
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLM95221CIMMX
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLMX2311USLDX
Clock Generators and SynthesizersLP2986IM-5.0
Linear RegulatorsLP2989IM-1.8
Linear RegulatorsVCO190-1500T
Controlled OscillatorsLM1117MPX-3.3
Linear RegulatorsLM2676S-ADJEP
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipPTS635SL50LFS
Switch TactileVCO190-1500TY
Controlled OscillatorsADC08D1500CIYB
Analog to Digital Converters - ADCsCM2545X171B-00
Common Mode Chokes - CMCsCY7C64613-80NC
USB Interface ICsLM2734YMK/HAPB
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM2734YMK/NOPB
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipSN74LVC541ADBR
Buffers and Line DriversLM2734YMKX/HFLF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM2734YMKX/NOPB
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM95221CIMM-ENG
Temperature and Humidity SensorsSN74LVC1G00DBVR
Logic GatesSN74LVC1G04DBVR
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersSN74LVC1G06DBVR
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersSN74LVC1G17DBVR
Buffers and Line DriversSN74LVC541ADBRG
Buffers and Line DriversLM2676S-ADJ/HFLF
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM2676S-ADJ/NOPB
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator ChipLM95221CIMM/NOPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsSN74LVC541ADBRG4
Buffers and Line DriversLM95221CIMMX/NOPB
Temperature and Humidity SensorsLMX2311USLDX/NOPB
Clock Generators and SynthesizersLP2986IM-5.0/NOPB
Linear RegulatorsLP2989IM-1.8/NOPB
Linear RegulatorsSN74LVC1G00DBVRE4
Logic GatesSN74LVC1G00DBVRG4
Logic GatesSN74LVC1G04DBVRE4
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersSN74LVC1G04DBVRG4
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersSN74LVC1G06DBVRE4
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersSN74LVC1G06DBVRG4
Inverters and Schmitt TriggersLM1117MPX-3.3 HALF
Linear RegulatorsLM1117MPX-3.3/HAPB
Linear RegulatorsLM1117MPX-3.3/HFLF
Linear RegulatorsLM1117MPX-3.3/HFPB
Linear RegulatorsLM1117MPX-3.3/NOPB
Linear RegulatorsLM2676S-ADJEP/NOPB
DC to DC Converter and Switching Regulator Chip