3-Phase AC BLDC High-Voltage Power Stage Reference Design

Referenzdesign von: NXP Semiconductors

3-Phase AC BLDC High-Voltage Power Stage Reference Design

3-Phase AC high-voltage brushless dc (BLDC) power stage (HV ac power stage) is a 115/230 volt, 180 watt (one-fourth horsepower), off-line power stage that is an integral part of embedded motion control series of development tools. It is supplied in kit number ECPWRHiVACBLDC. In combination with one of the embedded motion control series control boards and an embedded motion control series opto-isolation board, it provides a ready-made software development platform for fractional horse power off-line motors. Feedback signals are provided that allow 3-phase ac induction and BLDC motors to be controlled with a wide variety of algorithms