Termo Precyzja / Thermo Sensors

Termo Precyzja / Thermo Sensors

หมายเลขโทรศัพท์(48 71) 34 26 948
ที่อยู่50-075 Wroclaw, ul. Krupnicza 7

Termo Precyzja (Thermo Precision) Company began activity in 1995. Many years of experience our company in automatic and measurement industry help us to begin industrial thermo sensors production. In offer we have a wide assortment of thermocouples and RTD sensors realized with M12, GDM, GDS, boxed, wired and header connectors. In production we are using high quality national and imported materials. We realize orders from standard offer available in our folders and website. In our standards we are offering wide choice of a shells and sensor's diameters and length.