Global Coils SAGL

Global Coils SAGL

Номер телефона+41 91 960 71 91
АдресVia Ponteggia 2 CH-6814 Lugano-Cadempino Switzerland

Global Coils was founded in 2003 as a joint venture by R. Audemars SA and its previous partner Tibbetts Industries to exclusively serve the specialized and evolving needs of the Hearing Health market. Building on a collaborative relationship that began in 1994, the long-time partners combined industry know-how, engineering expertise, and the latest micro-manufacturing processes to form Global Coils – the first international coil supplier serving the Hearing Health market exclusively. In 2012 R. Audemars SA acquired 100% of the joint venture making Global Coils SAGL a wholly owned subsidiary of R. Audemars SA and a full member of the Audemars Group – a group of companies specialized in microtechnology