RD-400, Reference Design Using FAN3111C 100W, CCCV, multi-channel LED power supply intended for industrial lighting applications

Conception de référence par: onsemi

RD-400, Reference Design Using FAN3111C 100W, CCCV, multi-channel LED power supply intended for industrial lighting applications

RD-400, Reference Design supports inclusion of the FAN3111C device in the design of an offline, 100W, CCCV, LED power supply intended for industrial lighting applications. The RD-400 reference design leverages several advanced Fairchild technologies to offer a complete LED driver solution suitable for wide-range, AC-input voltage, high Power Factor (PF) and high efficiency up to 100 W output power. The overall power architecture consists of an EMI filter stage, a PFC boost converter, a dual-switch flyback converter and two control options for configuring the output to operate a single LED string or up to four independent LED strings