PMP9254, 4.5Vin to 20Vin, 1.8Vout @ 30A, Synchronous Buck Converter

Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments

PMP9254, 4.5Vin to 20Vin, 1.8Vout @ 30A, Synchronous Buck Converter

PMP9254, 4.5Vin to 20Vin, 1.8Vout @ 30A, Synchronous Buck Converter. A single-phase synchronous buck converter accepting an input voltage of 4.5Vin to 20Vin and providing an output of 1.8Vout capable of supplying 30A of current. This design features an especially high power density (1.8Vout @ 30A in a 20mm x 15mm board) with single-sided component mounting