Typical Application for LTC3615IFE Dual 3A Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter in Master and Slave for Coincident Tracking Outputs Using a 2MHz External Clock

Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices

Typical Application for LTC3615IFE Dual 3A Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter in Master and Slave for Coincident Tracking Outputs Using a 2MHz External Clock

Typical Application for LTC3615IFE Dual 3A Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC Converter in Master and Slave for Coincident Tracking Outputs Using a 2MHz External Clock. The LTC3615 is a dual 3A synchronous step-down regulators using a current mode, constant-frequency architecture. The DC supply current is only 130 uA (Burst Mode operation at no-load) while maintaining the output voltages, dropping to zero current in shutdown. The 2.25V to 5.5V input supply range makes the parts ideally suited for single Li-Ion applications

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