TWR-KW24D512 Thermostat Demo Board found in Cloud Connected ZigBee IoT thermostat Board for ZigBee coordinator for remote temperature sensor and light bulb

Projeto de referência por: NXP Semiconductors

TWR-KW24D512 Thermostat Demo Board found in Cloud Connected ZigBee IoT thermostat Board for ZigBee coordinator for remote temperature sensor and light bulb

TWR-KW24D512_thermostat_Demo Board found in Cloud Connected ZigBee IoT thermostat Board for ZigBee coordinator for remote temperature sensor and light bulb. If the ZigBee light bulb is used with the demo, it can be paired with the ZigBee coordinator. Power the light bulb, and place it very close to the Tower system. Press SW4 on the TWR-KW24D512 board. The LED will start blinking again as the coordinator looks for the light bulb. When the pairing is complete, the LED will stop blinking. This is also stored in flash if the Tower is power cycled

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