TPS62510EVM-168 is an evaluation tools for the TPS62510 97% efficiency, 1.5A Buck converter optimized for 2-cell Alkaline or NiMHd applications

Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments

TPS62510EVM-168 is an evaluation tools for the TPS62510 97% efficiency, 1.5A Buck converter optimized for 2-cell Alkaline or NiMHd applications

TPS62510EVM-168 is an evaluation tools for the TPS62510 97% efficiency, 1.5A Buck converter optimized for 2-cell Alkaline or NiMHd applications. The TPS62510 can supply voltages from 0.6V to 3.8V and offers both a fixed frequency PWM mode or high efficiency PWM mode. The fixed frequency PWM mode switches at 1.5MHz with the MODE pin high. Pulling the MODE pin low enables the high efficiency mode. In high efficiency mode, the device operates with a 1.5MHz fixed frequency PWM at nominal load current, and automatically enters the Power Save Mode at light load currents

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