PMP10478, 85 to 265VAC Input 5V at 30W Dual Port Charger for Tablets and SmartPhones Reference Design
Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments

Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments
AC to DC Switching ConvertersTL431AIDBZR
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZT
Voltage ReferencesTPS2513DBVR
USB Power SwitchesTPS2513DBVT
USB Power SwitchesUCC24610DRB
Gate and Power DriversTMP300BIDCKR
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTPS2561ADRCR
USB Power SwitchesTPS2561ADRCT
USB Power SwitchesUCC24610DRBR
Gate and Power DriversUCC24610DRBT
Gate and Power DriversTL431AIDBZRG4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZTG4
Voltage ReferencesVOS617A-7X001T
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output Photocouplers