LM3431-REF, CCFL to LED Conversion Power Supply

Projeto de referência por: Texas Instruments

LM3431-REF, CCFL to LED Conversion Power Supply

LM3431-REF, CCFL to LED Conversion Power Supply. Backlighting in portable device displays has historically utilized difficult-to-power cold cathode-fluorescent (CCFL) tubes. The tubes run on alternating current (AC) and need a large initial voltage of typically greater than 1 kV in order to fire them. Once they have fired, their operating voltage drops to under a kV. Because a notebook computer, for example, typically operates on low DC voltages (12V, 5V, 3.3V, etc.), a Royer oscillator must be used to transform this low voltage to the high-voltage AC required by the CCFL. The high voltages in the system are a potential safety hazard