EVAL-ADXRS290Z-M2, Inertial Sensor Evaluation System for the ADXRS290 MEMS Gyroscopes

Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices

EVAL-ADXRS290Z-M2, Inertial Sensor Evaluation System for the ADXRS290 MEMS Gyroscopes

EVAL-ADXRS290Z-M2, iMEMS ADXRS290 Inertial Sensor Evaluation System is an easy-to-use evaluation tool targeting bench or desktop characterization of inertial sensor products. The system consists of the inertial sensor evaluation board (ISEB) or main board, for any inertial sensor product. The ISEB connects directly to a PC via an USB cable, with the USB connection providing both communications and power to the board. The ISEB is connected to the satellite board through a ribbon cable. This cable allows the satellite to be easily manipulated for testing or separately placed into an environmental chamber for temperature or humidity testing