DC2425A-A, Demo Board Using LTC2311IMSE-16 16-Bit, 5Msps True Differential Input Serial SAR ADC

Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices

DC2425A-A, Demo Board Using LTC2311IMSE-16 16-Bit, 5Msps True Differential Input Serial SAR ADC

DC2425A-A, Demonstration Circuit features the LTC2311 family of ADCs. With up to 5Msps, these differential, single channel, 16-bit, serial, high speed successive approximation register (SAR) ADCs are available in a 16-lead MSOP package. The LTC2311 family has an internal 20ppm/degree Celsius maximum drift reference and an SPI-compatible serial interface that supports CMOS and LVDS logic. The demo board is configured for CMOS operation by default. The following text refers to the LTC2311, but applies to all members of the family, the only difference being the sample rate and/or the number of bits