50W, 2.5V DC to DC Single Output Power Supply
Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices

Projeto de referência por: Analog Devices
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217M
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersLMX321AUK
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLMX321AXK
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsMOCD217VM
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324D
Gate and Power DriversLMX321AUK+
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLMX321AXK+
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsMAX8515EXK
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515EZK
Voltage ReferencesMAX8540EEE
PWM and Resonant ControllersMOCD217MNL
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217M_Q
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217R1M
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217R2M
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324DR
Gate and Power DriversLMX321AUK+T
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLMX321AUK-T
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLMX321AXK+T
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsLMX321AXK-T
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsMAX8515AEXK
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515AEZK
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515EXK+
Voltage ReferencesMAX8540EEE+
PWM and Resonant ControllersMOCD217R1VM
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217R2VM
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324DG4
Gate and Power DriversUCC27324DGN
Gate and Power DriversLP2980ITP3.3
Linear RegulatorsMAX8515AEXK+
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515AEZK+
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515EXK+T
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515EXK-T
Voltage ReferencesMAX8515EZK-T
Voltage ReferencesMAX8540EEE+T
PWM and Resonant ControllersMOCD217R1MNL
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersMOCD217R2MNL
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC27324DGNR
Gate and Power DriversUCC27324DRG4
Gate and Power DriversLP2980AITP3.3
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IBP-3.3
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IBP-5.0
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-1.5
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-1.8
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-2.5
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-2.6
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-2.7
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-2.8
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-2.9
Linear RegulatorsLP2980IM5-3.0
Linear Regulators