3-Phase Switched Reluctance High-Voltage Power Stage Reference Design
Projeto de referência por: NXP Semiconductors

Projeto de referência por: NXP Semiconductors
Voltage ReferencesLM393D
Linear ComparatorsIR2112S
Gate and Power DriversTNY254P
AC to DC Switching ConvertersMC33152D
Gate and Power DriversMC33502D
Operational Amplifiers - Op AmpsTL431BCD
Voltage ReferencesIR2112STR
Gate and Power DriversMC33152DG
Gate and Power DriversSFH6106-2
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersTOP202YAI
AC to DC Switching ConvertersIR2112SPBF
Gate and Power DriversMC33152DR2
Gate and Power DriversMC78L15ACD
Linear RegulatorsMC79L15ACD
Linear RegulatorsMC33152DR2G
Gate and Power DriversMC78PC33NTR
Linear RegulatorsDM74ALS1034M
Buffers and Line DriversIR2112STRPBF
Gate and Power DriversMC74VHCT00AD
Logic GatesMC68HC708KH12AG
Microcontrollers - MCUs