Xiangshan Hongxiang Plastic Products

Xiangshan Hongxiang Plastic Products

Número de telefone0574-65710028
EndereçoNO. 330, Penglai Road,Economic Development Zone, Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Province

Xiangshan Hongxiang PlasticProducts Co., Ltd. was founded in 11983 .The Company lies in the beautiful Xiangshan Port,Ningbo.Zheiang covering a floor area of 15,000 square meters and a planta rea of 5,000 square meters. It has gained IS09000 quality systemcertificatio in 1999, IS014001 environmental system certification in 2006,and the self-support right of import and export in 2008. The main products of the Company are rubber and Plastic parts for communication faciIitles socket connectors and varlous specifications of nylon cable ties,PIastic guideway condii ctiveplastics(ESD)etc The main clientsof the Company include Shanghai AIcateI-Lucnet CorPoration,Viasystems GrouP, Inc.etc,andforegn cIients such as A1cateILutedt Corporation Flextionics Inte rnational We are the globaIvendor of AlcateI-Lucent Corporation