PMP4113.2, 36VDC - 75VDC Input, 80V, 0.5A and 3.3V/3A Isolated Flyback and Synchronous Buck
Reference design by: Texas Instruments

Reference design by: Texas Instruments
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersUCC2809P-2
PWM and Resonant ControllersTL431AIDBZR
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZT
Voltage ReferencesTPS40193DRCR
DC to DC ControllersTPS40193DRCT
DC to DC ControllersUCC2809P-2G4
PWM and Resonant ControllersTL431AIDBZRG4
Voltage ReferencesTL431AIDBZTG4
Voltage ReferencesTPS40193DRCRG4
DC to DC Controllers