MAXAUDINT001#, Audio Interface Evaluation Board for the MAXQ2000 Low-Power LCD Microcontroller
Projekt referencyjny przez: Analog Devices
MAXAUDINT001#, Audio Interface 1 (AUDINT1) Board provides both an I2C and I2S interface to facilitate the evaluation of compatible Maxim Development (DEV) boards. Maxim DEV boards that are evaluated with the AUDINT1 interface board can require custom GUI software. The AUDINT1 board and a compatible DEV board are ordered together as an evaluation system (EV system). The AUDINT1 board is provided as part of selected Maxim evaluation systems (EV system) to evaluate Maxim parts only. The use of the AUDINT1 board as a development target is not supported. Refer to the MAXQ2000 evaluation kit data sheet for this purpose