103030215, CAN-BUS Shield V2.0 Evaluation Board

Referenzdesign von: Seeed Technology Co.,Ltd

103030215, CAN-BUS Shield V2.0 Evaluation Board

103030215, CAN-BUS Shield is a common industrial bus because of its long travel distance, medium communication speed and high reliability. It is commonly found on modern machine tools and as an automotive diagnostic bus. Thanks for CAN-BUS, makers are able to hack their cars more conveniently. In order to make it more convenient to interact with cars, we released the CAN-BUS Shield which adopts MCP2515 CAN-BUS controller with SPI interface and MCP2551 CAN transceiver to give you Arduino/Seeeduino CAN-BUS capability. Previously we have made two versions of CAN-BUS Shield, the V1.0 and V1.2. The CAN-BUS Shield V2 still uses MCP2515 as CAN-BUS controller and MCP2551 as CAN transceiver