Type | Manufacturer |
Website | https://www.rpm-psi.com/ |
Phone number | +1-818-349-8680 |
Address | 8750 Shirley Ave., Northridge, CA, 91324-3409 |
Rotating Precision Mechanisms Inc. has become regarded by commercial, government, military, and scientific communities as one of the world's pre-eminent suppliers of high-precision antenna positioning systems and components for a vast array of antenna, optical and sensor systems. RPM's expertise lies in providing complete, high quality, single or multi-axis positioning systems and controls, in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our products have been used around the globe for both civilian and military applications including Telemetry, Military Radar, Air Traffic Control, Satellite Communications, UAV Data Links, Directed Energy, CUAS, Test and Instrumentation, and Astronomy.