TIDM-SMBUS, SMBUs Reference Design Using Low Power Microcontroller

Reka bentuk rujukan oleh: Texas Instruments

TIDM-SMBUS, SMBUs Reference Design Using Low Power Microcontroller
TIDM-SMBUS, SMBUs Reference Design Using Low Power Microcontroller. This design utilizes existing LaunchPad evaluation kits and BoosterPack plug-in modules to demonstrate the implementation of a SMBus-based system using the MSP430 SMBUs Library. The SMBUs system consists of a master device (MSP-EXP430FR5969) that controls two slave devices, 430BOOST-TMP006 and MSP-EXP430G2. The 430BOOST-TMP006, containing a TMP006 infrared thermopile sensor, can be used to measure the temperature of objects remotely. The MSP-EXP430G2, using a MSP430G2553 ultra-low-power value line device, implements a simple LED dimmer with three virtual registers