TEA1755DB1100, Demo Board for TEA1755 90W/19.5V QR/DCM Flyback + PFC combo controller

参考设计 属于: NXP Semiconductors

TEA1755DB1100, Demo Board for TEA1755 90W/19.5V QR/DCM Flyback + PFC combo controller

TEA1755DB1100, Demo Board for 19.5V/90W universal input, single output power supply using the Green Chip device TEA1755T with TEA1703TS and TEA1792TS. The Green Chip combines the control and drive for both the PFC and the flyback stages into a single device. The TEA1755 provides SMPS control functionality to comply with the IEC61000-3-2 harmonic current emission requirements. The TEA1792 is a synchronous rectification control IC that needs no external components to set the timing. The Green Chip SR can be applied to a wide VCC operating range between 8.5V and 38V, minimizing the number of external components required and enabling simpler designs. The high driver output voltage 10V makes the Green Chip SR compatible with all brands of MOSFETs