STEVAL-ISA125V1, 5 V/10 W, 60 kHz isolated flyback with extra power management Demonstration Board based on the VIPer28L

Reference design by: STMicroelectronics

STEVAL-ISA125V1, 5 V/10 W, 60 kHz isolated flyback with extra power management Demonstration Board based on the VIPer28L

STEVAL-ISA125V1, 5 V/10 W, 60 kHz isolated flyback with extra power management Demonstration Board based on the VIPer28L offline high-voltage converter. In some applications, an SMPS can have load peaks which may be two or more times as high as the power it is supposed to deliver, though only for a short time compared to thermal time constants of the power components. Typical examples of such loads include printers and audio systems. In such cases, it is more cost-effective to thermally design the system for maximum continuous power and not for peak power demand, which is sustained only for a limited time