DC2070A, Demo Board Using LTC5577, 300MHz to 6GHz High Signal Level Active Down-Converting Mixer
Reka bentuk rujukan oleh: Analog Devices
DC2070A, Demonstration Circuit is optimized for evaluation of the LTC5577 high signal level active down-converting mixer. Its RF input port is matched to 50 Ohm from 1.3GHz to 4.3GHz with 12dB return loss and the LO port is matched to 50 Ohm from 950MHz to 4.1GHz with 10dB return loss. The RF and LO inputs are easily matched for higher or lower frequencies with simple external matching, as low as 350MHz and 300MHz, respectively. The low capacitance differential IF output is usable up to 1.5GHz. The LTC5577 active mixer is optimized for RF Down-Converting applications that require high input signal handling capability and wide bandwidth