DC2064A, Demo Board using LTC3300-1 high efficiency bidirectional multi-cell Li-Ion battery balancer

Progetto di riferimento di: Analog Devices

DC2064A, Demo Board using LTC3300-1 high efficiency bidirectional multi-cell Li-Ion battery balancer

DC2064A, Demo Board is a bidirectional cell balancer using two LTC3300-1 ICs to achieve active cell balancing of up to 12 Li-Ion batteries. The board uses the LTC6803-2 multi-cell addressable battery stack monitor to measure cell voltages and two LTC3300-1 ICs to provide active cell balancing. The demonstration circuit uses a two window GUI developed for the DC2064A. One window is a modified version of the GUI for the LTC6803-2 and also contains a tab to control the LTC3300-1 ICs through the DC590B USB Serial controller and the second window reports the status of the LTC3300-1 devices