ATAK43001-V1, Development Kit for the ATA664251 ATA66 AVR MCU System-in-Package (SiP) Product

Projeto de referência por: Microchip Technology

ATAK43001-V1, Development Kit for the ATA664251 ATA66 AVR MCU System-in-Package (SiP) Product

ATAK43001-V1, Development Kit for the ATA664251 MCU, which is a System-in-Package (SiP) product, particularly suited for complete LIN-bus node applications. It consists of two ICs in one package and is especially designed for LIN-switch applications, including nearly the complete LIN node. The first chip is the LIN-system-basis-chip (LINSBC) ATA664151, which has an integrated LIN transceiver, a 5V regulator (80mA), a window watchdog, an 8-channel high voltage switch interface with high voltage current sources and a 16-bit SPI for configuration and diagnosis. The second chip is an automotive microcontroller from the series of AVR 8-bit microcontrollers from with advanced RISC architecture, the ATtiny167 with 16-Kbytes flash memory. The kit is designed for evaluation of the ATA664251 SiP and facilitates the development of inexpensive, low-end, but also powerful nodes for LIN bus systems meeting the latest OEM requirements