Innochip Technology

Innochip Technology

Phone number886-3-6663077
AddressRM 304, No. 47, Park Ave 2, Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 30075, Taiwan

Innochip Technology Inc. established in Sept. 2000 and located at Hsinchu Science Park, is specialized in ASIC design with Mixed- Signal IP (ADC/DAC/PLL/Op Amp) application. As a Mixed-Signal ASIC design company, Innochip has successfully applied in-house mixed-signal IP to many complicated designs. The applications cover High-End Consumer Products, PC Peripherals, Networking, Wireless Communication, and Industrial Measurement Equipment. With these ADC/DAC/PLL/OP Amp and other specially designed mixed-signal blocks, Innochip created higher added value for customer products.