PMP9531, 350W PSU with Universal AC Input and 28V Output - Reference Design
참조 설계 작성자: Texas Instruments

참조 설계 작성자: Texas Instruments
Voltage ReferencesTL331IDBV
Linear ComparatorsUCC25600D
PWM and Resonant ControllersUCC28051D
Power Factor Correction - PFCUCC28710D
AC to DC Switching ConvertersLM431ACM3X
Voltage ReferencesTL331IDBVR
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVT
Linear ComparatorsUCC25600DR
PWM and Resonant ControllersUCC28051DR
Power Factor Correction - PFCUCC28710DR
AC to DC Switching ConvertersUCC28051DG4
Power Factor Correction - PFCPC817X4NSZ0F
Transistor and Photovoltaic Output PhotocouplersTL331IDBVRE4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVRG4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVRQ1
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVTE4
Linear ComparatorsTL331IDBVTG4
Linear ComparatorsTMP300BIDCKR
Temperature and Humidity SensorsTMP300BIDCKT
Temperature and Humidity SensorsUCC25600DRG4
PWM and Resonant ControllersUCC28051DRG4
Power Factor Correction - PFCLM431ACM3HALF
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3/HAPB
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3/NOPB
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3XHALF
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3XHFLF
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3X/HAPB
Voltage ReferencesLM431ACM3X/NOPB
Voltage References