EVAL_600W_LLC_12V_P6, 600W Half-Bridge LLC Evaluation Board with 600V Cool MOS P6

참조 설계 작성자: Infineon Technologies AG

EVAL_600W_LLC_12V_P6, 600W Half-Bridge LLC Evaluation Board with 600V Cool MOS P6
EVAL_600W_LLC_12V_P6, 600W Half-Bridge LLC Evaluation Board with 600V Cool MOS P6. On this purpose there has been applied latest CoolMOS technology IPP60R180C7 600 V power MOSFET on the primary side and OptiMOS low voltage power MOSFET in SuperSO8 BSC010N04LS in the synchronous rectification secondary stage, in combination with QR CoolSET ICE2QR2280Z, hi-low side driver 2EDL05N06PF, low-side Gate Driver 2EDN7524F and a LLC Controller ICE2HS01G for the analog or XMC4200 in the digital version