DC2072A, Demonstration Board using LT3065, 45V, 500mA Low Noise Linear Regulator with Programmable Current Limit and Power Good

참조 설계 작성자: Analog Devices

DC2072A, Demonstration Board using LT3065, 45V, 500mA Low Noise Linear Regulator with Programmable Current Limit and Power Good
DC2072A, Demonstration Board using LT3065, 45V, 500mA Low Noise Linear Regulator with Programmable Current Limit and Power Good. The LT3065 is a Micro-power, low noise and low dropout voltage linear regulator. The device supplies 500mA of output current with a typical dropout voltage of 300mV. A 10nF bypass capacitor reduces output noise to 25 uVRMS in a 10Hz to 100kHz bandwidth and soft-starts the reference. The LT3065s ±45V input voltage rating combined with its precision current limit make the IC an ideal choice for robust, high reliability applications