Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd

Kingboard Laminates Holdings Ltd

전화번호+86 755 2817 9079
주소No.76, Da Xin Road,Nan Shan Area,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China

The Kingboard Laminates Group established its first laminate manufacturing plant in 1988 in Shenzhen, the PRC, and began producing paper laminates in 1989. After that , our Group embarked on a path of rapid horizontal and vertical growth. Horizontally, the Kingboard Laminates Group expanded its production of new laminate products, including glass epoxy and flame retardant paper laminates. Vertically, the Kingboard Laminates Group expanded into the production of key upstream component materials, including copper foil, glass yarn, glass fabric, bleached kraft paper and epoxy resin. The copper foil operation based in Fogang, the PRC, was spun off for listing and listed on the SGX in 1999 under the name Kingboard Copper Foil. In December 2006, the Group successfully listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.